This Saturday, Pelosi and her Democrats may pass the Health Care Bill with House Rule -- requiring NO Vote -- skipping Formal vote! In the first place, it is a repulsive Health Care Bill of nothing but entitlements. It will keep the People of this Country under TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL!
The Democrats believe that we are the "dumb masses" and be grateful to them. We will not be when all of our freedoms are stripped away! But then, it will be way too late to do anything about it.
The Dems believe that the ENDS justifies the MEANS -- they will RAM this bill thru using any way, any thing they can think of using. Any dirty, low-down method, doesn't matter as long as they get it done!
If passed WE WILL CHALLENGE IT. According to Article 1; Section 7, of our Constitution, pushing this bill thru without voting on it, is unconstitutional! The Liberal Democrats don't believe it, but All hell will break loose against them!
Oh, BTW, Obama doesn't care if they lose seats in this coming November election. . . . just as long as HE get HIS Bill passed . . . by any means they can use to do it!
NODEMS 2010 - NOBAMA 2012