Missile Vs. Missile

Missile Vs. Missile

Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama's Gun Registry Database - - For the Whole Country

Well, Charleston Heston would roll over in his grave if he knew about this!

The great pay-back has begun, and it's going to be ugly. The gun grabbers in Congress are trying to pay back the anti-gun extremists who put them and Barack Obama in office.

You see, H.R. 45 is Barack Obama’s gun control package, and it includes the worst anti-gun measures he’s supported over the years. H.R. 45 establishes a NATIONAL gun registry database of every gun and its owner -- for the whole county! Your private information and every gun you own would be in the system.
But it gets worse. Under H.R. 45, you must:

* Pass a written examination to prove that you are “fit” to exercise your Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.

* Release your medical records -- including confidential mental health records -- to the government to get your “fitness” to own a firearm approved.

* Observe a two-day waiting period before buying a gun.

* Pay a gun tax of $25 or more on every firearm purchase.

"Not until they pry it out of my cold, dead fingers . . . .." -- C. Heston, his last appearance as President of the National Rifle Association. I AGREE!